Can My Hair Fall Even After Getting a Transplant?

Hair transplantation, also known as hair restoration, is an outpatient surgery in which your own hair follicles are donated to thinning regions of your scalp using micrografting technology.

When you think about “hair transplants,” you may immediately think of uneven, visible hair plugs from the past. Hair transplants, on the other hand, have gone a long way in the previous decade. After getting surgery, many people still experience hair loss. Shedding of hair is considered a normal body function as it is quite common when about 50-100 hair falls a day. Anything more than that can be the post-operative shedding of transplanted hair grafts. It is totally normal if you are experiencing hair fall even after getting the procedure done, as this can be the result or side effect of some medical conditions and medications after the surgery.

Hair transplant outcomes last a long time and are considered permanent. This surgery procedure is also time-consuming and necessitates a period of healing and rehabilitation. People who have previously suffered severe hair loss on their scalp are the most likely candidates for a hair transplant for these reasons. There are some cases when you may experience hair loss following hair transplant surgery, which is understandable because you must be experiencing “shock loss”.Let us now discuss some of the reasons that may result in continued hair fall.

Shedding of Normal, Non-Transplanted Hair

Hair fall is very common in human beings just like any other mammals. There are three stages namely anagen, catagen, and telogen, which determine the cycle of growth and shedding of hairs. This cycle is completely random and the number of falling hairs falling varies for each individual.

Post-Operative Shedding of Transplanted Hair Grafts and Existing Hair

Surgeons who perform Hair Transplants in Varanasi are often reported that patients are facing continued hair fall after undergoing the transplant procedure. Shedding of hair after a hair transplant surgery is quite normal. It is the way the body responds to the trauma it received during the procedure.

In this procedure of hair transplant, individual hair follicles are moved and placed from the donor area to the areas where the scalp is facing hair loss. Tiny openings are created, also known as “stab incisions”, where the individual grafts are being placed. Be it any procedure, whether FUT or FUE transplant in Varanasi, the procedure can be traumatic on the scalp and the surrounding hairs.  As a result, the newly grafted hairs and the pre-existing hairs can be shed temporarily. This occurrence of hair fall is called “effluvium”. It is sometimes also referred to as “shock loss”.

Hair fall of these grafts after the procedure can be noticed anywhere between 1-5 weeks. Patients often panic about the continued loss of hair, which will eventually slow down within a few months after the procedure. They will start to notice the actual result of the surgery after that, and new hairs will grow back again. “shock loss” is a part of the hair restoration process. Hair loss in this case is unavoidable but it is temporary. The more severe the hair loss problem before surgery was, the more the hair fall will be during the “shock loss”.

How to Reduce Hair Shedding After a Hair Transplant?

Though hair fall or shock loss is an unavoidable circumstance after the surgery, there are a few things that can be considered to minimize the amount of hair loss after the hair transplant.

Your doctor may prescribe you some medicines that will be helpful for you to slow down the hair fall process. Hair regeneration treatment is also effective in some cases and has a 99 percent success rate. Through this treatment generally, wounds are treated and platelet-rich plasma that is taken from the patient’s own blood is injected into the scalp where hair loss is observed. Hair Regeneration treatment also helps with improvisation and the survival rate of hair grafts.

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